Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Linda Loves Lateness

Well, Linda's big day has come and gone, but I thought I'd post some favorite Linda memories that are relevant to those affiliated with this here blog.

Remember when...
- We would sit around for hours telling Linda to sing various Christmas carols and then laugh in her face when the words were way off. She never was much for lyric accuracy. "Drinking smile after smile."
- Pat walked in on her changing and thought that she was dancing in her room, but she was actually just pulling her jeans up.
-She would scare easily and yell loud enough for the whole complex to hear.
-She introduced us to the game "True Colors"
-She had multiple personalities depending on her hair color/style (i.e., Tina- bangs, Anja Povamitsky-dark brunette)
-Brandon S. told her that when he first met her, he didn't like her, but now he did.
-She won every costume contest...it wasn't an option for her to be second best. She never liked subtlty when it came to dressing up.
-She hosted great impromtu dance parties.

Linderson, you're the best. We're all your greatest fans. Hope your birthday was truly a delight.


Lisa and Mark said...

HAHAHA!!! I love it!

Robyn and sometimes Theo said...

All very great memories, the Christmas carols is probably my favorite.

Lindy Kyle said...

Thanks Can! Great memories all around! Brandon, seriously why didn't you like me?! :)